Sunday, May 29, 2011

Summer Reading

I've been reading Water for Elephants and so far I am really enjoying it.  I know I'm a bit behind since the movie is out already, but I sometimes enjoy reading the book first then seeing the movie.  I did the same thing with The Notebook-mostly because my husband refused to watch "that chick flick" in the theater.  Of course after reading The Notebook I loved it so much I insisted we rent the movie once it came out and suprise!  My husband liked it too.  Don't tell anyone though, k?  Okay ;)  I also did the same with The Last Song, and Dear John-gotta love that Nicholas Sparks!  I'm a sucker for a romantic story.

Anyway, have you read Water for Elephants or seen the movie?  What did you think?  Don't spoil any details for me but I would love to know if the movie is as good as the book or vice versa!  I have almost always found that the book is better than the movie.

What's on your summer reading list?  Any good suggestions? 


  1. I actually saw the movie first then read the book. I absolutely loved the movie. They did a few things a lot different character-wise so I liked that better about the movie. The book felt more factual while the movie went into more depth with a couple of the characters. (Marlena, August, Camel, etc.)
    I loved them both, though!

  2. I looooved this book! I thought the book was better, but the movie was also great. I haven't been able to start another book since, because I don't know what will be good enough to follow this up! Hope you love it just as much =)

  3. I just read the book last month and loved it! Haven't seen the movie yet...Steven's not into watching movies with me when I've read the book. I'm a harsh critic when they stray.

  4. Absolutely loved this book! The movie was really good too, but the book is definitely much better!! I did a post on my most recent reads not too long ago - a couple of my fave's: For sure read Room by Emma Donoghue and also 19 Minutes by Jodi Picoult - SO good!!

  5. I read it last summer and loved it (before I even knew it would be a movie)! Recently I read "The Help," by Kathyrn Stockett and highly recommend it. It is her first novel and it's wonderful!

  6. I just bought the book too...I really want to read it but I've heard such great things about the movie...I wonder which will happen first!

  7. I forgot about getting this book..thanks for the reminder. I read the notebook in one day while having a garage sale, the movie was out at the same time so I dragged my husband to see it with me. He liked it too.
